The Cigar Room
Cigars for All Flavors
Centennial Liquor’s cigar room stands as a testament to craftsmanship and dedication, meticulously designed to offer aficionados an unparalleled experience in cigar enjoyment. Custom-built with attention to detail, this sanctuary for cigar enthusiasts exudes an atmosphere of refinement and relaxation.
Upon entering the cigar room, patrons are greeted by the sight of hundreds of meticulously curated cigars, each carefully selected to cater to a diverse range of tastes and preferences. From robust Maduro blends to delicate Connecticut wrappers, the room boasts a wide variety of cigars sourced from renowned manufacturers around the world.
What makes Our Room Stand Out
Temperature control is paramount in preserving the quality and flavor of the cigars, and Centennial Liquor spares no expense in ensuring optimal conditions. State-of-the-art climate control systems maintain the perfect environment, keeping humidity levels consistent and temperatures precisely regulated. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that every cigar maintains its freshness and flavor, guaranteeing a memorable smoking experience.
The cigar room is freshly stocked with new arrivals and favorites, ensuring that patrons always have access to the latest offerings and timeless classics. Whether seeking a rare vintage cigar or a newly released blend, customers can rest assured that Centennial Liquor’s cigar room offers an extensive selection to satisfy even the most discerning connoisseur.
Don't Forget The Booze
Don’t forget to check out our large selection of wine, beer and liquor. Click the button below to head over to our selection page.